Reiki is a non-invasive, gentle yet extremely effective healing technique.
Pronounced 'Ray-key', this powerful practice was founded by Dr. Mikao Usui
in the 1800's and is based on the ancient healing arts of Japan. Reiki
means Life Energy that is guided by God. This energy flows through all
living things. Although Reiki has spiritual components, it is not a
religious practice.
Based on the belief that the body, mind, emotions and intuition form a
complex and dynamic energy field, it is important that the body's energy be
free of blockages. If these blockages are not removed, imbalance occurs and
illness may develop.
Through the utilization of the laying on of hands technique, a reiki
practitioner is able to remove these blockages, thereby balancing the
client's energy and subsequently preventing and even reversing the onset of
Reiki is a very effective means of reducing stress which in turn brings the
client to a deep state of relaxation. These changes alone help to promote
the healing process.
During a reiki session, clients remain fully clothed and are usually lying
on a comfortable treatment table, although the technique can be used on
clients in a seated position as well. Clients report sensations of warmth,
which radiates through the body, bringing about a profound sense of well
being. Reiki allows clients to release negative feelings or thoughts leaving
them feeling much more positive and able to heal. A session generally lasts
approximately 45 minutes to an hour.
Reiki is practiced throughout the US as well as globally and is presently
being studied at the National Institutes of Health.
Paula is a Certified Reiki Master-Teacher. She received her training at the
Ursuline Sophia Center in Pepperpike, Ohio and Heather Hill Hospital in
Chardon, Ohio.
Click here to read an article published in the Catholic Universe Bulletin,
June 3, 2005, about Reiki, and the subsequent Letter to the Editor from
"The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in
getting well"
Reconnective Healing
Originally, the meridian lines, sometimes called acupuncture lines, on our
bodies were connected to the grid lines that encircle the planet. These
grid lines were designed to continue out and connect us to a vastly larger
grid, tying us into the entire universe. Over time we became disconnected
from these lines.
The Reconnection brings in new axiatonal lines that enable us to standardize
unique vibratory levels and frequencies for healing. These axiatonal lines
are part of a parallel-dimensional circulatory system that draws the basic
energy for the renewal function of the human body.
The Reconnection brings in and activates these new lines, allowing for the
exchange of information, the reconnection of DNA strands and the
regeneration of DNA strings.
Reconnective Healing is often a life changing experience, utilizing new
frequencies to allow for the healing of the body, mind and spirit. These
highly palpable energies are initiated by a Reconnective Healing
Practitioner at the start of a session, and continue working long after your visit has
ended. Through your participation in these sessions, you will experience
profound changes, and will be operating at and attuned to, a higher
frequency than ever before. Often, clients report instant healings after
their session.
After experiencing a healing herself, Paula became aware of many other
positive changes taking place. She knew she had to learn this powerful
technique. She studied with Dr. Eric Pearl, the founder of The Reconnection
Healing Technique, and author of the book, The Reconnection. Paula is a
Certified Reconnective Healing Practitioner.
For more information, visit
Thetahealing™ Technique
There are four major frequencies of brain waves. The
brain is using all of these waves at any given time,
however, one frequency is always predominant. These
four frequencies are:
- BETA: The beta frequency is the cycle you are using
under normal
circumstances such as speaking, reading etc. While you
are reading this information your brain waves are
cycling between 14-28 cycles per second.
- ALPHA: The alpha frequency is the one you are using
when you are in a very relaxed, meditative state of
mind. Your brain waves are cycling between 7-14 cycles
per second while in alpha.
- THETA: A theta state is a very deep state of
relaxation. The theta state of mind is often reached
during deep meditation. It is also a sleep wave, and
can be obtained under hypnosis. Your brain waves cycle
between 4-7 cycles per second while in this state.
- DELTA: A delta state of mind is found when you are in a
deep sleep. This is the state of mind that allows you
to know who is calling when the phone rings. The delta
state of mind cycles between 0-4 cycles per second
It has been shown that during healings, we most often
use theta waves.
Quantum physics recognizes that matter is energy in its
most elemental form. The strength and ease with which
the life force flows through your mental and emotional
energy bodies affects the functioning of the physical
Thetahealing™ works at fundamental planes of existence.
Working with God, unconscious beliefs, old traumas and
feelings that have become limiting, self defeating and
destructive can be transformed. Working at the core
level affects all aspects of the whole; physical,
emotional, spiritual and mental.
Stagnant negativity, past and present, lodges in your
body as headaches, backaches, stomachaches, allergies,
etc. Harmful beliefs and painful emotions affecting
your body can be transformed and resolved. When the
source of a problem is transformed at its origin,
whether it is at emotionally based core beliefs or whether
it has been genetically inherited, it is possible to
clear it completely. If this is not done, it can
reappear later as something else, somewhere else, (i.e.
breast cancer cleared, then years later it reappears in
the cervix or uterus) In other words, programs are
transformable on core, genetic, historical and soul
levels. Genes can be repaired and the predisposition to
illness can be reprogrammed through working with the
Through the simple process of Thetahealing™, involving
the use of one's intuition, visualization, going up to
God and working in the energy of His unconditional love,
you will see profound changes in your health and in your
As a Certified Thetahealing™ practitioner, I have
experienced and witnessed the powerful results of this
technique. I continue to be amazed and grateful for
this knowledge because contrary to what one might
expect, the process is incredibly simple, yet there
appears to be no limit to what one can accomplish using
this God-given ability which is available to each of us.
The founder of the Thetahealing™ technique is Vianna
Stibal. Vianna is an author, a teacher, Medical
Intuitive, Minister, Doctor of Religious Science, and a
In her first book, Go Up And Seek God, she shared with
the world
information on how it was possible to do healings,
activate DNA and change unhealthy patterns and belief
systems, thereby changing the course of your life.
This information was channeled from the Creator when
cancer almost cost her one of her legs, and even
threatened to take her life.
Part of her contract with the Creator was to share the
information that was given to her. Through her books,
Vianna has helped thousands with the knowledge she so
generously shares. In her second book, Go Up And Work
With God, she teaches how to change core belief
systems which have caused both physical as well as
mental suffering. This process is key to achieving complete
healing on all levels. She has traveled all over the
world, offering training seminars, in order to fulfill
her promise to share this information with the world.
"I feel very fortunate to not only have met Vianna, but to have had the
pleasure of studying with her. As the founder of this powerful technique,
I was able to learn how to utilize this method just as it was given to
Vianna. She graciously agreed to come to Cleveland if I agreed to host
her classes. Not only did she teach the Basic level here but also stayed
on to teach the Advanced level as well. I feel truly blessed to have had
that experience"
For more information about Thetahealing or Vianna Stibal, visit her website

"If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring
forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is
within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you."
-- Jesus, in the Gospel according to Thomas